Yes, everything is hand crafted. We don’t buy from factories/big companies, just talented Colombian families.

If you have a look out our materials and makers section, you will see the amazing artists who we work with, who I all know personally. I make some of my own creations in macrame and resin. I am hoping to get those online in the future though at the moment I only sell them in markets and festivals.

When I travel to Colombia, I tent to travel as light as possible, with items of as little value as possible – it leads to a more relaxing/fun experience. This means the quality of my camera/photos when out in Colombia are not so good – but you can still see the happiness which is the most important.

Our main route of selling is actually through events. We attend a range of festivals each summer; I release a list before summertime each year on our Instagram. Our usual annual events include; Glastonbury, Womad, Medicine Festival, Buddhafields and the international Eisteddfordd, plus many more – we tend to chop and change a little bit.

Over the Christmas period we have a lovely wooden Christmas chalet in the centre of the old historic city of Chester We absolutely love this market, not too big and not to small with some other lovely regular traders, which you can check out here.

We are also very lucky to sell in Artigo, a shop on Gloucester Road, Bristol. Diego Godoy, the owner of this shop runs an exhibition room for artists to come and showcase their work. He sells a variety of locally made gifts, art work created by himself and other local artists as well as a therapy room offering holistic and proactive tailored treatments!

As everything we sell is one off it is very hard to get everything online. We manage to have some similar items of the flower and melon seed items which makes it easier to get them online. With the tamo work everything is individual, though you may see similar styles emerging. If you are looking for something specific, or have seen something in a festival that you liked the look of – and you’re not in a rush, please contact us and I can help explore what options we have.

Please see our contact page for details. Message, whatsapp or e-mail are all completely fine to get in contact. Please feel free to message us at any time of day/night/year, though we will only tend to respond in ‘working hours’ to make sure we have disconnected from work time.

We send every items in a post box appropriate cardboard box. We use upcycled wood wool as cushioning and wrap each item in recycled tissue paper. We then add a variety of flowers to add some colour and smell to your box – please let us know if you would prefer not to have this. Each item comes with a mini booklet of how the item was made.